The crankcase breather is part of your engine’s positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) system. It’s not a system that we talk about often, but it’s crucial for the smooth operation of your engine. Additionally, it helps to prevent serious problems. This post will talk about the crankcase breather and everything you need to know about it: What Symptoms Costs FAQ Conclusion What’s A Crankcase Breather? Before we continue, there’s something we should clear up: when talking about the crankcase breather, some …
Seat Belt Won’t Pull Out Jammed – How To Tackle This Problem?
Is your seat belt won’t pull out jammed? If this is the case, and you are in this unfortunate situation, then you are at the right place because there will be a lot to cover on this topic where we are going to learn how to tackle this issue. What Is A Seat Belt? Types Of Seat Belts? Seat Belt Diagram Seat Belt Jammed? Reasons How To Repair? Conclusion F.A.Q Having a problem like this can be a pain to …
To many drivers, the internal workings of a car are a mystery. The statement only gets truer as more technical elements are brought into the discussion. After all, we do not have to know every part of the engine to drive a vehicle. However, those technical bits are just as important as their better-known companions. Hence, the importance of understanding bad lifter symptoms. When one starts to fail, you are bound to notice. One of those key technical components in …
So, you are preparing yourself to go to work. Аnd your car won’t start no noise at all? This issue may make some people angry. Especially, when they are desperately in need of a car at the moment. And they are not able to get the car started. Why Car Won’t Start? Battery Fuse Box Coils & Spark Plugs Fuel Pump Conclusion FAQs Let me tell you that this is not a big mechanical-related issue. But it is a frustrating …
A head gasket is essential for a car to run smoothly, which means it can be quite costly to replace. We’ll be discussing further concerning how much a head gasket replacement cost would be, the types of head gaskets, and more. Hopefully, we’ll help you learn more about head gaskets and make an informed decision about repairing them should you need to. Types Symptoms Cost Causes FAQs Head Gasket A head gasket is absolutely crucial for your car’s engine as …
P0446 Chevy is a problem code that necessitates further investigation. Mechanics and car owners seek more information about this EVAP-related issue code. You’ll find all the information you need about the P0446 error code right here. A mechanic’s most crucial equipment is undoubtedly an OBD II scanner. It not only allows for the quick detection of hidden flaws in a car, but it also saves you a lot of time and money compared to traditional diagnostic methods. Trouble codes appear, …
How To Tell If Starter Is Bad: What Are The Signs Of Bad Starters
How to Diagnose a Bad Starter How to Test a Starter Motor What Causes a Bad Starter Your Car Won’t Start Due to a Bad Starter How to Replace a Bad Starter Motor DIY vs Professional Replacement Warning Signs That Your Battery Is Failing Difference Between Alternator Problems and Bad Starters Q&A How to Diagnose a Bad Starter: Common Signs and Symptoms A bad starter can be a major inconvenience, as it prevents your vehicle from starting. Fortunately, there are …
P0130 – O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction Bank 1 Sensor 1 (Fixes)
Modern car engines with emissions control systems rely on sensors to work well and control how much pollution they put out. If these sensors malfunction and provide incorrect data, you may notice issues such as reduced MPGs, driving difficulties, emissions failure, and other issues. The P0130 error code helps us identify such issues. P0130 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that relates to “O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1, Sensor 1),” suggesting a problem with the air-to-fuel ratio sensor (aka …
Power Steering Belt – Adjustment, Symptoms, Replacement Cost
Power steering technology is one of the foundational components of new automobiles, and one reliant on the power steering belt. This modern vehicle’s component makes vehicle navigation easier, unlike the older models of automobiles that lack this feature. The technology warrants that a belt is connected to the engine to drive a hydraulic pump which makes the system work. This belt is known as the power steering belt or serpentine belt. It is a relatively simple component, however, it’s important …
P0351 – Ignition Coil A Primary-Secondary Circuit Malfunction Fix
Have you started experiencing some strange symptoms like the poor ability to start the engine and engine misfires? And you diagnosed the code P0351? Well, if this is the case, then you are at the right place because, in this article, there will be quite a bit to cover on this topic. Car Diagnostics Ignition Coil Coil Location The Problem Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Cost Conclusion FAQs When it comes to problems with your car, doing good and thorough research is …