Socket sizes are as varied and as diverse as the automotive landscape, as a whole. Yet, among all the many socket sizes that we commonly use on our vehicles, from 5 mm to 36 mm, why are 20 mm sockets so rare? I’m not the only person noticing this either, as countless other people have noticed it, too. Whereas sockets like 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, and so on are fairly common for cars, 20 mm ones are practically …
Have you accidentally cross threaded the lug nuts on your car? Well, if that is the case, then you are at the right place because there will be a lot to cover on this topic and learn how to overcome this problem. Cross Thread? Causes Types Of Bolts How To Avoid? Restoring Cost Conclusion F.A.Q Having a problem like this can really be a frustrating thing to deal with because you are basically ruining both the bolt and the hole …