Have you been hearing lately some weird noise and vibrations coming from the transmission? Something that feels like a shudder? That may sound worrying, but you should not jump to conclusions too quickly. Maybe it’s just a transmission shudder. What Is A Car Transmission? Causes For Transmission Shudder DIY Fixes & Repairs Prevention Tips & Maintenance Final Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Transmission shudders are a relatively common thing that drivers face each day. Some of them feel it less …
torque converter
AT Oil Temp Subaru Light Flashing: Meaning, Causes, How To Fix
Owning a Subaru is a remarkable experience for any car lover. From the iconic WRX STI to the capable Forester, this Japanese manufacturer has been able to capture the imagination of gearheads around the world. But, there is one question that is commonly asked by owners of these Japanese cult classics. That is “what is AT oil temp Subaru?” Today, we hope to answer that exact question. Car Transmission AT Oil Temp Subaru Fixes For Flashing AT Oil Temp Light …
I bet you’re familiar with the terms automatic and manual as it concerns cars. There’s a component in vehicles that transmit power from the engine to the wheels called transmission. It works automatically or manually and an automatic transmission diagram might be handy. The automatic transmission diagram shows the parts of the transmission system, the connection between the torque converter, clutches, planetary gears, etc. You can get a more straightforward representation of the automatic transmission in a block diagram or …
Car Dies While Idling But Restarts – How To Get It Going For Good?
As a wise man once said, you don’t often appreciate something at its fullest until you’ve finally lost it. Well, that feeling is mutual when it comes to cars. That’s especially so when you have problems such as those instances where your car dies while idling but restarts soon thereafter. As we get in our cars every single day, the one thing we expect out of it is that it’ll start up, drive, and get you from A to B. …
The Jeep Grand Cherokee was launched back in 1993 when the first iteration was unveiled. Since then, it has remained one of the most popular Jeeps ever made in its many years till today. Yet, this popularity has the unintended side effect of amplifying the frequency and publicity around Jeep Grand Cherokee transmission problems. It’s not just the grandest of Cherokees as well, as several other Jeep models have suffered similar issues. So, are their gearboxes really that terrible? Well, …