Can Gas Freeze – Safe To Store Over The Winter?

by Conner Mckay

You live in a state where temperatures are getting really cold and you are asking yourself if can gas freeze? Well, if this is the case, then you are at the right place because there will be a lot to cover on this topic.

Living in very cold climates can be a real problem sometimes and you could easily end up in big trouble. The gasoline and other types of fluids that our car uses can get thick in their consistency or even freeze out completely in some cases.

This is why you need to know the freezing temperatures for most of these fluids in order to be safe from trouble and possibly avoid some engine damage on your vehicle. This is why we are going to prepare for that and help you out understand more about the freezing temperatures for most of the fluids out there. And the symptoms that you can face if your car has frozen gasoline.

First, we are going to elaborate on what is gasoline and understand more about the octane ratings. Then we will learn if can gas freeze as well as if diesel, ethanol, and other fuels can freeze and what are their freezing points. Later on, we will learn the symptoms that your car will produce if you run frozen gasoline and how to tackle this issue. So, if you want to learn more, follow along.

What Is Gasoline?

Now before we learn if can gas freeze, let’s cover some really interesting topics that will be really beneficial for you to understand the freezing point of gasoline. And that is what is gasoline in general and the octane ratings. These two things are one of the most important things that you need to know when it comes to understanding if and how can gas freeze. So, let’s get into it.

So, what is gasoline in general? Gasoline is a yellowish flammable liquid that we use to power up our cars. This gasoline is a petroleum-based fluid. Which means that it is derived from crude oil. Just like the diesel, and kerosene.

The gasoline is produced through a special process of refinement. The crude oil is loaded in lorries and is taken to the refinery where it goes through a process called fractional distillation where the gasoline is extracted from the crude oil and also enhanced with special additives in order to be better.

Overall, about 42 gallons of crude oil are needed so 19 gallons of gasoline are to be produced. The other excess material is used to produce lubricants and other products.

Another thing to add is that gasoline has a shelf life. Even though it is extracted from something that is billions of years old, the shelf life of gasoline is pretty low. Gasoline is prone to a process called oxidation, where the gas starts to evaporate and starts to become bad.

The average gasoline shelf life is between 3 and 6 months. If you don’t use it during this period, it will become worse and will not work. But can gas freeze? More on this later on in the article after we elaborate more on the octane ratings.

Understanding Octane Rating

Now let’s cover another interesting topic before we learn if can gas freeze. And that is the gasoline octane rating. The octane rating is one of the most essential things to know when it comes to choosing the right type of gasoline for your car. So, what is the octane rating in general?

Well, the octane rating in general is the ability of the gasoline to resist compression. So, what does all this means in the first place?

Well, when the pistons move, they compress the fuel and then the spark plug ignites the fuel. The lower the octane rating the worse will be for your engine and can lead to a condition known as engine knocking or pre-ignition.

This means that the fuel will ignite by itself before it gets compressed to the maximum. This is not ideal and this situation will lead your engine to misfire and start to knock.

When the engine knocks, there is not a good power delivery and your engine basically will not make good power.

So, this is why you have three types of octane ratings. An 85 octane, 89 octane, and 93 octane premium gas.

So, what’s the catch? Will your car work better with premium gas? Well, not quite. It really depends on your engine and the compression ratio of the engine. If your engine has a low compression ratio, then going for the cheapest gas on the gas pump will do the trick.

But if you have a high compression engine that requires premium fuel and you decide to go for a low octane rating, you will face some issues such as engine knock. But can gas freeze? Well, that’s what we are going to learn next.

Freezing Points For Automotive Fluids

Now let’s get to business and learn if can gas freeze. And not only for gasoline. But for all of the automotive fluids.

We will learn what are the freezing temperatures for the most common automotive fluids such as gasoline, diesel, ethanol, natural gas, antifreeze, and engine oil. All of them have a freezing point and you should be properly informed about it. For example, does motor oil freeze. So, if you want to learn more, follow along.

Can Gas Freeze

The first on our list is the question is if can gas freeze? Can gasoline freeze? The short answer to this question is that yes, gasoline can freeze in your car.

But unless you live on the south pole, you should not be worried about it freezing. Mainly because the freezing temperatures of gasoline are rated at about -100 degrees Fahrenheit.

And frankly, only a few places on earth can get that cold. Even if you live in Alaska, which is the coldest state in the US, or even Canada, you should not worry about this problem with your car.

Your gasoline in the gas tank will not come to the freezing point and will not freeze. Even if you store gas in jugs, you shouldn’t be worried about gasoline ending up frozen up even if you leave it in the snow overnight. So, we hope that we answered your question if can gas freeze, now let’s move on to the next type of fluid which is diesel.

Diesel Freezing Point

As we learned if can gas freeze, now it is time to learn more about the diesel freezing point. Can diesel fuel freeze?

The short answer to this question is no, diesel can’t freeze because it has different properties than gasoline. Diesel is more viscous than gasoline and it basically cannot freeze.

But it can gel up and this gel point starts at about 32 degrees Fahrenheit. But still, it cannot freeze even though it gels up.

Even though diesel can get to the gel point and become thicker. This will not prevent this fuel from flowing into the fuel lines.

This means that even at -32 Fahrenheit when the diesel will start to gel up, it will still flow through the fuel lines and your car or truck will be able to run properly.

So, when it comes to diesel fuel, you shouldn’t concern if your diesel fuel can freeze at all. Your car will work no matter what. This is why a ton of vehicles that are used in extremely low temperatures are using diesel engines.

Diesel simply outperforms anything out there in cold weather. So, as we mentioned, you shouldn’t be afraid of your diesel car ending up with a frozen gas tank if you live in Alaska or Canada. So, we learned if can gas freezes and the diesel freezing point, now let’s move to the next fuel type.

Freezing Point Of Ethanol

Now as we learned if can gas freeze, we think that now it is time to cover another topic and that is the freezing point of ethanol. Can ethanol fuel freeze? Let’s elaborate.

Ethanol fuel is also known as ethyl alcohol and this fuel is marketed as E85 across the country. This fuel contains 85% of alcohol and 15% of pure gasoline. This means that this fuel is a blend of gas and alcohol. But not drinking alcohol, don’t get confused.

Nevertheless, this type of gas is becoming more and more popular because it is rather cheap and a good way for your car to run.

The octane rating of this type of gasoline is somewhat higher than the one of the regular gas. This means that is above 87 octanes. The 85 in its name is there to indicate that this fuel is 85% ethanol and not the octane rating. So, don’t let that confuse you.

Another thing to add is that this type of fuel is only recommended to be run on cars that are approved for running E85. Because if your car is not E85 friendly, the rubber fittings all over your fuel system will get damaged and you will face a ton of problems. Also, engine problems will be present.

But what is the freezing point of ethanol? Can ethanol freeze? Well, this type of fuel doesn’t freeze at all in most cases. The freezing temperature for this type of fuel lab tested is -230 Fahrenheit. And that is a lot. So, you shouldn’t worry much about it. Now let’s cover the next type of fuel since we learned if can gas freeze.

Natural Gas Freeze Point

As we covered if can gas freeze and we learned that gasoline freezes at about -100 degrees Fahrenheit, now it is time to discuss the natural gas freezing point. The important thing is that you shouldn’t confuse this type of gas with gasoline. These two are completely different things and have almost no similarity than the fact that they both produce energy.

As you probably know natural gas is the LNG, also known as liquefied natural gas. This type of gas is used in a ton of industrial complexes and also households for cooking, heating, and other purposes.

Nowadays, natural gas is becoming one of the most popular sources of energy because it produces clean energy. This means that this type of energy source pollutes a lot less than coal, diesel, or any other type of fuel out there.

But what is the natural gas freeze point? Every fuel or gas has a freezing point, right? Well, the natural gas freeze point is really low, the lowest that it can get. The freezing point of this gas is -297 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which makes it almost impossible to freeze this gas. So, if you have natural gas heating or a stove, you shouldn’t worry much about it freezing. Now as we covered if can gas freeze, let’s see if oil can freeze.

Oil Freezing Point

Now as we covered if can gas freeze, let’s learn more about the oil freezing point. What is the oil freezing point in a car? In order to answer this question, we need to learn more about the basics of engine oil.

Engine oil is a lubricant as we all know and is used to lube the engine and prevent premature engine failure. This fluid is really essential when it comes to keeping the engine intact and in proper working order.

And when it comes to engine oil, it is worth noting that oil doesn’t freeze. But it depends on a certain characteristic which is also known as oil viscosity.

And that is the ability of the oil to flow at low temperatures. Different types of oils behave differently at different temperatures.

So, when it comes to choosing the type of oil this should be your top priority and not the freezing point. Engine oil does not freeze.

But if you use the wrong viscosity, you will basically ruin your engine. Your engine will suffer from high oil pressure and this oil pressure will damage the internals of the engine. So, be aware of this problem. You could easily ruin your engine if you are not careful. Now as we learned if can gas freeze, let’s answer another topic and that is the antifreeze freezing point.

Antifreeze Freeze Point

Now as we learned if can gas freeze, let’s learn more about if antifreeze can freeze in your car. And the short answer to this question is that it really depends.

The freezing point of the antifreeze depends much on the level of coolant concentrate that is used in the coolant of the engine.

The coolant concentrate is 100% antifreeze and using it this way is not recommended because it will be damaging to the cooling system and can easily corrode the hoses of your system and ruin the performance of the engine in general.

This is why you need to use a 50/50 mix of antifreeze and water. Or a 70/30 mix of coolant and water. And what is the antifreeze freeze point?

Well, that depends on the mix. A 50/50 mix will give you the ability to keep the engine safe up to -35 degrees Fahrenheit. Or if you use a 70/30 mix, it will give you the ability to run the car to temperatures low as -84 degrees.

So, if you live in a state with a colder climate, you might want to use the 70/30 mix, which is 70% antifreeze and 30% of water. This way you will be sure that the block of your engine doesn’t fail completely and crack. And since we learned these things, now we can move on and answer some common topics when it comes to if can gas freeze. So, you don’t want to miss that.

Can Gas Freeze In A Gas Tank?

So, can gas freeze in a tank? Well, technically yes. Gasoline can freeze if the conditions are met. And by conditions we mean if the temperature reaches so low levels that will make the gasoline freeze.

As we noted previously, the natural gas freezing point is at -100 degrees. So, you can imagine how low of a temperature is that.

If you drive in areas that are close to the North pole like in Canada’s most remote places let’s say, the temperatures should worry you.

So, yes gas can freeze in a gas tank. So, if you drive in a remote place where there are temperatures that go into the triple digits, then you might want to drive a diesel vehicle unless you want to experience frozen gas in the gas tank symptoms. And that’s what we are going to cover in the next chapter.

Frozen Gas In The Gas Tank Symptoms

So, we learned if can gas freeze and cause you trouble and the answer is yes, it can. Especially if you live in remote environments where temperatures go deep below zero. But have you asked yourself what is the frozen gas in the gas tank symptoms? Let’s elaborate more on them in the next few paragraphs.

The first symptom that you will notice will probably be engine hesitation. This hesitation will be present because your gasoline will not be able to flow right through the fuel lines. There could be some obstructions from the tank to the engines that can prevent the flow of gasoline and this will ruin your performance.

Also, another symptom is the inability of the car to start. Especially if the gas tank has frozen and the fuel pump has frozen as well. Activating the fuel pump in these situations can even damage it permanently, so I would not recommend it to you unless you want to spend $1,000+ on a new fuel pump. So, be wary of the fuel pump price and where to get a fuel pump replacement near me.

This is why the best thing for you will be to drive a diesel car if you are dealing with temperatures like these in the place where you live. But how you can unfreeze a frozen gas tank?

How To Unfreeze The Gas From The Tank?

We learned if can gas freeze and learned that this is possible if the temperatures get really low. But what you can do about it if it gets to this point that the fuel tank freezes completely?

Well, the thing you can do is roll the car into a warm garage and wait until the temperatures get to the desired level. Don’t try foolish things like heating up the gas tank or something similar.

What Happens if You Keep a Low Gas Tank in Cold Temperatures?

  1. Gasoline can freeze at -100ºF or below, but it’s rare for conditions to get that cold, especially in your car.
  2. Diesel has a higher freezing point and could run into freezing problems, so winter diesel blends are sold.
  3. Keeping your gas tank at 1/4-tank or below repeatedly could cause gasoline to break down and its components to separate.
  4. “Gelled fuel” occurs when the heavier molecules, typically paraffin wax content, collect together in your gas tank.
  5. Condensation or water vapor in the tank or line could freeze, which would inhibit your car’s ability to function.
  6. Alcohol in gasoline absorbs water, but if there isn’t enough alcohol, not all the moisture will be absorbed.
  7. Keeping the tank filled below half-full could shorten the life of the fuel pump.
  8. The fuel meter could show more fuel than you actually have, especially once it cools, which could leave you stranded with an empty tank.
  9. Ethanol-based gas and better fuel injection systems have improved over the past 30 years, making most of these scenarios unlikely.
  10. Gas line anti-freeze additive can be used occasionally to wash out any water build-up and prevent freezing.


In this article, we have covered quite a bit when it comes to the question if can gas freeze? We learned what is gasoline and the octane ratings.

Then we elaborated more on the freezing points of not only gas, but also diesel, natural gas, ethanol, motor oil, and coolant. After that, we learned if the gas tank can freeze and what you can do about it.


Now let’s answer some frequently asked questions.

How Long Can You Store Gasoline

Storing gasoline is not a smart thing to do. Mainly because it is really flammable and can burst into flames even after a small impact. But if you do on a long trip, you might want to have one jug extra since you never know. You can store this gasoline for 3 to 6 months. After that, it will go bad and will not work.

How Long Is Gas Good For In A Gas Can

Storing gas in a gas can will be a good idea. But it does not last for long periods of time. Gasoline has a shelf life of about 3 to 6 months on average. If not used during this time, the gasoline will start to lose its characteristics.

Does Gas Freeze

Yes, gas can freeze. But you shouldn’t worry much because the freezing temperatures are extremely low and your gasoline will be highly unlikely to freeze unless you live in Antarctica or a different remote place on earth. So, don’t be afraid of this situation.

At What Temp Can Gas Freeze

Gasoline usually starts to freeze at about -100 degrees Fahrenheit. This is an extreme temperature that only a few places on earth have and probably you cannot drive a car over there at all. So, you shouldn’t be worried about it.

When Can Your Gas Tank Freeze

The gas tank can freeze at -100 degrees Fahrenheit. So, if you live in a place where temperatures get this low, you can expect your gas tank to freeze. If not, you shouldn’t worry much about this problem.

Does Diesel Freeze

Diesel does not freeze. But it can get thicker and become like a gel. This is completely normal and will not impact the work of your engine. The fuel will still flow through the fuel lines and your engine will work as it should.

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